mental health

Snow Day

So we have been hit by a MOUNTAIN of snow… causing us to only leave the house for only minutes at a time. Wrapped up completely form had to toe, 2 pairs of socks, 3 jumpers, and scarfs and hats. Everyone I know has posted photos of themselves in snow, at the pub or in the house complaining about being stuck inside.

This has caused me to question – AM I NORMAL?

I ask this a lot, for various reasons, but most recently – why am I the only one that doesn’t get cabin fever. I’ve enjoyed being housebound. We have done chores we normally avoid, watched films we have meant to watch for months and apart form the insane cat (who apparently gets cabin fever) life has been lovely. There has been no pressure to do these things, we’ve just had extra time. No pressure to talk to people, to be nice, just a lovely quiet calm few days.

Why are people so desperate to be out in the cold, wet, icy, urgh, outside?

Viva La Inside.

mental health

Landan Tahn

I’ve been spending more and more time in London recently, and I can’t say I’m a massive fan.  No offense London. I think people fall in to 2 categories, London People, and Not London People. I fall firmly in the camp of ‘Not a London person’. The crowds make me anxious and I always get really weird vivid dreams after a day in London. I think it is all the new faces, millions of people and so many different things to look at leaves me a little bit wired at the end of the day. Not to mention the train journey, and, normally chocolate or sweets – come on, it’s me…. that tends to leave me on a slight sugar high, and then a come down.

Last week I realised I was staring at a guy on the tube, I was trying to work out why he looked familiar, I think I saw him on the platform 2 minutes ago but I couldn’t be sure, then my brain went in to overdrive. Was this one of those times where you see the same person in loads of unrelated places? Am I in the Jess Show (you know like the Truman show except with me) and they are reusing the extras? Was he famous? Do I know him? Does he just look like someone I know? Who would that be? Was he following me? Does he think I’m following him? See what I mean about ‘wired’.

This week, I’ve had an epiphany as to why I dislike London. Originally I thought it was because I always have the fear of bumping in to someone I know. I hate small talk on the street when you both have somewhere to be. I know the chances are slim, but it honestly petrifies me. There are people I know, that live or work in London, some I like, some I don’t, but I don’t want to bump in to any of them. I’m usually lost, and miles away from where I need to be, so I don’t really have time to stop, and equally I’m sure they will laugh at how I got so lost. I’m good at laughing at myself, unless I’m stressed then I would advise shutting the F*** up.

Except its not that, I hate London because it makes me feel lost. I always feel slightly lost in life, but at least in other places I have a firm grip on my surroundings. I know where I am geographically heading (most of the time). London I am both literally and metaphorically lost. I have no idea where I am going and honestly, why I am going there. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job – I just don’t really understand life yet, I don’t think anyone does, we just pretend, and I, personally, pretend better in other towns and cities.