mental health

Snow Day

So we have been hit by a MOUNTAIN of snow… causing us to only leave the house for only minutes at a time. Wrapped up completely form had to toe, 2 pairs of socks, 3 jumpers, and scarfs and hats. Everyone I know has posted photos of themselves in snow, at the pub or in the house complaining about being stuck inside.

This has caused me to question – AM I NORMAL?

I ask this a lot, for various reasons, but most recently – why am I the only one that doesn’t get cabin fever. I’ve enjoyed being housebound. We have done chores we normally avoid, watched films we have meant to watch for months and apart form the insane cat (who apparently gets cabin fever) life has been lovely. There has been no pressure to do these things, we’ve just had extra time. No pressure to talk to people, to be nice, just a lovely quiet calm few days.

Why are people so desperate to be out in the cold, wet, icy, urgh, outside?

Viva La Inside.

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