mental health

The downside of Honesty

Starting this blog and being 100% open about my mental health has been so refreshing and, quite possibly one of the best things I’ve ever done.

HOWEVER, with everything, there is a downside. People are now more aware of me, and my mental health. The classic, I’m just tired, no longer means, I’m tired – it apparently means “help me”, even when I’m actually just tired. A bad day that makes me very grumpy, is no longer a bad day – it is a sign of more. Whilst it is great I have a support network that cares and worries about me, every little sigh, yawn, comment etc is analysed so much even Freud would think everyone was being ridiculous.

If I don’t want to go out, if I’m just in the mood to chill and watch Netflix (not to be confused with Netflix and Chill), people worry that I’m in the middle of an episode.  Granted sometimes I am, but not always. Sometimes it is just vital that I watch that episode of friends I’ve seen a million times already.

I’m sounding very ungrateful right now – I don’t mean to. I’m glad people care and worry, but I have learn’t enough over the last 18 months to know when I need to ask for help.

So people, please chill, I’m fine. I’m just tired!

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